得物er-2W2B2G5N 在得物App发布了一条热门动态!快来围观,就等你啦!
各位得物er,我是「得物er-B2S3I2W3」 ️About Me 独处时最开心 ️ My Soul 我的恋爱舒适区是 「轰轰烈烈」 我最爱的穿搭风格 「潮流高街风」 我的快乐瞬间是 「买到限量款」 我的人设标签是 「跑步追风侠」 #一种很新的自我介绍 发布于2天前 黑龙江省 相关推荐 App内查看更多 今日穿搭🎶丨...
We propose a methodology to measure the parameter estimation risk and model specification risk of pricing models, as well as model selection risk of model classes, based on realized payoffs, for products in the over-the-counter market. Lévy jump models and affine jump-diffusion models are appl...
纯牌的孩精,说话聊天像似一个4岁女孩👧 说的话吗? 据说,孩子得了肾病综合征,超可爱! http://t.cn/AiQAa0fK http://t.cn/AiQAa0fK
SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF BIOCONE-LIKE ZnO NANOPARTICLES AS ANTIBACTERIAL AGENT AND AS PHOTOCATALYST FOR REMOVAL OF HAZARDOUS METHYL ORANGE DYE In this research paper, we present the photocatalytic ef ciency of Bicone-like ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) for a methyl orange dye degradation under a ...