11.Easy Phonics 3 (Unit 1 c as s) Phonics for Kids Alphabet Learn to Read 10:18 10.Easy Phonics 3 (Unit 2 ew qu) Phonics for Kids Alphabet Learn to Read 08:48 09.Easy Phonics 3 (Unit 3 silent b, d, k ) Phonics for Kids Alphabet Learn to 09:41 08.Easy Phonics 3 (Uni...
Need a simple, freeprintable phonics gameto practice r- controlled vowel “er”? This black outphonics er wordsgame gets children reading “er” words. Thiser sound phonicsis perfect for kindergartners, grade 1, and grade 2 students who are working on improving reading and spelling skills. B...
所属专辑:Phonics Kids 蒲公英英语拼读王 喜欢下载分享 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 1 ir,-ir 112016-07 2 -er 92016-07 3 er,-er 52016-07 4 -ard,-arn,-arm 132016-07 5 ar,-ark 62016-07 6 -oon,-oose 32016-06 7 oo,-ood 32016-06 8 oo,ook...
所属专辑:自然拼读练习Phonics Kids系列 声音简介 电子版教材: 关注公众号「天天等放假」 查看历史消息 猜你喜欢 915 元音组合2 by:孩子王Coco 1036 元音组合1 by:孩子王Coco 2708 元音字母+辅音字母组合 by:孩子王Coco 1501 6b分离元音组合家族 by:小英语吖 ...
Your child will learn fast with KidsVsPhonics for the following reasons: 1. Your child can easily follow the gradual introduction of sound-spelling patterns, the building blocks of reading. These are introduced in carefully selected groups. ...
Fuel your child's love of reading and aid their literacy skills with these popular books! ByScholastic Parents Staff Sep 09, 2022 Ages 4-6 Reading Book Lists Articles Age 5 Age 4 Age 6 Alphabet Recognition Reading FOLLOW US
Study spelling words in kinder is optimized all device. Spelling and Sight words is an edutainment app designed for pre-K & kindergarten kids to teach phonics, pronunciation, and spelling and to memorize sight words. Learning games for kids’ 1st grade spelling free is a fun engaging way for...
We have plenty of readers on our bookcase, but even the easiest ones have some words the boys struggle with, so in order to get through them, they need an adult to help out. What I really love about theBOB Books: Set #1: Beginner Readersis that they truly are for little kids ...
New Phonics for kids 6 配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:0元起 服务支持退换 · 7天无理由退货 · 收货后结算 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 质量很好(158) 正品(124) 坚固耐用(50) 厚度适中(31) 字体适宜(31) 容量够大(31) 物流很快(30) ...
English words : 儿童游戏在线更多来自此开发人员的 App 教育 A B C Games : 基础英语少儿 游戏 Reading Fluency: 在线英语课程 教育 Phonics Kids: 英语游戏免费在线 学习基本的英语词汇儿童 教育 与动物事实练口语 教育 A B C D Phonics: 学习英语免费 ...