When forming the comparative degree, the suffix "-er" is added. For example: high + er = higher. The suffix "-or" is used to indicate a contrast, and it can modify an adjective when placed before it.1. From the perspective of social hierarchy, status, and job titles:- A...
While verbs ending inFF, LL, orZZwill always take the suffix “-er,” there is much less certainty for words ending inSS—there is no clear pattern, so we just have to memorize which suffix a particular word will take. Using the suffix “-ar” ...
We can add -er, -or or -ist to some words to form nouns for people.Verb/Nounspeak___erSuffixNounspeaker___ortour___istSentence we need to change the ending of the verb/noun when we add the suffixdance-dance___isttourist 相关知识...
The suffixes -er, -or and -ist We can add -er, -or and -ist to some words to form nouns for people.Verb/Noun+Suffix→Noun speak+er→speaker/'spi:ka(r)/visit+or→visitor tour/tuo(r); to:(r)/+ist→tourist TIP Sometimes we need to change the ending of the verb/noun when...
The suffixes -er,-or and -istWe can add -er,-or and -ist to some words to form nouns forpeople.Verb/Noun+Suffix→Nounspeak+er→speaker/'spika(r)/visit+or→visitortour/tua(r);to:(r)/+ist-touristTIPSometimes we need to change the ending of the verb/nounwhen we add the suffix...
- science: 科学,添加后缀-ist,表示进行科学研究的人,scientist,科学家。 - chemistry: 化学,添加后缀-ist,表示进行化学研究的人,chemist,化学家。 - type: 打字,添加后缀-ist,表示进行打字工作的人,typist,打字员。 - act: 表演,添加后缀-or,表示进行表演的人,actor,演员。
Adjective suffix or adverb suffix Middle English -er, -ere, -re, from Old English -ra (in adjectives), -or (in adverbs); akin to Old High German -iro, adjective comparative suffix, Latin -ior, Greek -iōn Noun suffix Middle English -er, -ere, -ier, -iere; partly from Old Englis...
The suffixes --er, -or and -ist We can add -er, -or and -ist to some words to form nouns for people.Verb/Noun+Suffix福Noun speak+er Sometimes we need to→speaker change the ending of the verb/noun when we visit+or add the suffix.→visitor dancedancer win→winner tour+ ist...
The suffixes -er, -or and -istWe can add -er, -or and -ist to some words to form nouns forpeople.Verb/Noun+Suffix→Nounspeak+er→speaker/^1spi:ko(r)/^0 visit+or→visitortour/too(r);tor(r)/ +ist→ touristTIPSometimes we need to change the ending of the verb/nounwhen w...
The suffixes -er,-or and -istwe can add -er,-or and -ist to some words to form nouns for people.Verb/Noun+SuffixNounspeak+erSometimes we need tospeakerchange the ending ofthe verb/noun when wevisit+oradd the suffix.visitordance→dancerwin→winnertour+isttouristpiano→pianistscience→...