ER图(Entity-Relationship Diagram)和关系模型(Relational Model)是数据库设计中的两个重要概念,它们有...
The above diagram represents that one student can enroll for more than one courses. And a course can have more than 1 student enrolled in it. ER Diagram: Recursive Relationship When an Entity is related with itself it is known asRecursiveRelationship. ...
ER Diagramstands for Entity Relationship Diagram, also known as ERD is a diagram that displays the relationship of entity sets stored in a database. In other words, ER diagrams help to explain the logical structure of databases. ER diagrams are created based on three basic concepts: entities, ...
实体-联系图(Entity-RelationDiagram)用来建立数据模型,在数据库系统概论中属于概念设计阶段,形成一个独立于机器。独立于DBMS的ER图模型。通常将它简称为ER图,对应地可把用ER图描绘的数据模型称为ER模型。 二、为什么出现ER模型 假设把用户信息需求得到的数据存储格式转换成DBMS能处理的逻辑模型,这样往往被 牵扯到很多...
Conversion of an ER Diagram to a Relational Model The following are the steps to convert of an ER diagram to a relational model: Mapping regular/strong entity: For each strong entity set create a new relational independent table that includes all attributes as column. For composite attribute inc...
ER图:实体-联系图(Entity-Relation Diagram)用来建立数据模型,在数据库系统概论中属于概念设计阶段,ER图提供了表示实体(即数据对象)、属性和联系的方法,用来描述现实世界的概念模型 构成E-R图的基本要素是实体、属性和联系,其表示方法为: 实体型:用矩形表示,矩形框内写明实体名; ...
图中,我们使用菱形/菱形表示两个实体之间的关系。 在关系模型中,我们也为ER模型关系创建关系表。 In theERdiagram below, we have two entities Teacher and Student with a relationship between them. 在下面的ER图中,我们有两个实体Teacher和Student ,它们之间具有关系。 As ...
ER (Entity Relationship) Diagram Model in DBMS Examples with DBMS Overview, DBMS vs Files System, DBMS Architecture, Three schema Architecture, DBMS Language, DBMS Keys, DBMS Generalization, DBMS Specialization, Relational Model concept, SQL Introduction
原地址: ER图 E-R图也称实体-联系图(Entity Relationship Diagram),提供了表示实体类型、属性和联系的方法,用来描述现实世界的概念模型。 实体就是看的见摸得着或者能被人感知接受认可的客观存在,属性就是用来描述这个实体,联系自然是实体间的联系,只有相互联系才...