Months and numbers 27個詞語 SharmaAnish 預覽 Vocabulary List: Spanish Verbs and Adjectives 25個詞語 Cooper_VYoung 預覽 Spanish unit 2 47個詞語 nshen476 預覽 spanish vocab 73個詞語 Camerondagoat2 預覽 spanish relationships 5個詞語 Ella_Phillips39 預覽 Voc 10 43個詞語 lilynolte 預覽 Vocabulario y...
BASIC –ER/-IR VERBS ESPAÑOL I, SEGUNDA NUEVE SEMANAS - 1 -ER/ -IR correr 5 -ER/ -IR comer 4 -ER/ -IR beber 3 -ER/ -IR aprender 2 -ER/ -IR abrir 1 -ER/ -IR esconder 10 -ER/ -IR escoger 9 [yo escojo] -ER/ -IR ...
Examine Spanish verbs ending in -ir and -er and their conjugations in the preterite tense. See how to conjugate -ir and -er verbs in this past...
infinitives ending in -er, verbs with infinitives ending in -ir, and verbs with infinitives ending in -re. Since -er verbs are the most numerous, they are considered the first conjugation. To conjugate these verbs, drop the -er from the infinitive to form the stem. Next, add the -er ...
08 The Verb Ir In The Present 36 2019-01 4 09 Expressing Time In Spanish 27 2019-01 5 10 Expressions Using The Verb Tener 30 2019-01 6 11 Verbs Like Hacer And Interrogative Words 42 2019-01 7 12 The Verbs Saber And Conocer
28 Regular -er And -ir Verbs In The Preterite 312019-01 3 29 Irregular Verbs In The Preterite 382019-01 4 30 Next Steps In Improving Your Spanish 172019-01 5 LaVerdad_101 522019-02 6 LaVerdad_102 212019-02 7 Los Protegidos S01E02 462019-02 8 Mi.Vecino.Totoro 302019-02 9 01 曲目...
在线看Mastering 'ER' and 'IR' Verbs | Spanish For.. 13分钟 18秒。28 2月 2018的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 160 — 已浏览。 204 — 已评价。
conjugation(-ir) Itsstem? Theemphasis? Noticethat-irverbsareconjugatedjustlike-erverbs exceptforthenosotros/asform. 1.Leer-toread 2.Comprender-tounderstand 3.Vender-tosell 4.creer-tobelieve 5.Correr-torun ...
4. Black and White Handout in Letter Size (8.5″ x 11″) Description: Decorate your classroom with this colorful poster of -AR -ER -IR verbs in the present tense. Then, print copies of the black and white handout for your students. The poster and handout include the verb conjugation ...