Transitionmetaloxidesforhigh-temperaturelithium-ionbatterieshavecaptivatedorchestratedeffortsfornext-generationhigh-energy-densityanodes.However,duetoinherentlowtapdensity,poo... 在接近 1 GeV 的 P+P 交互中进行单晶生产 氮化镓的光谱、热力学和动能特性
Investigation of the dynamic range of calorimeter scintillation detector for space gamma-ray telescope 0 0 0 期刊大师 Music and Emotion 1 0 0 方程式-SCI2 Lack of specific T- and B-cell clonal expansions in multiple sclerosis patients with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy 1 0 0 期刊...
We present the results of a biomimetic model of motion detection in the insect visual system based on an elaborated correlational elementary motion detector. This model incorporates a number of elements known, or predicted, to be in the insect motion processing pathway. The results show that this...