awe should be able to achieve the intended effect by using the main image as the thin model for child listings size that are standard, but use the plus size image as the main image for the others. we won't want to use both the plus and standard images on the same child listing, sin...
, Equivalent Conditions for the Solvability o Nonstandard and Singular LQ-Problems with Applications to PDE with Continuous Input-Continuous Output Solution Maps, Journal of System Estimation and Control, Vol. 7, 1997. Lukes, D., Lasiecka, I., and Pandolfi, L., Input Dynamics and Nonstandard ...
In other words, for a given voltage applied to the electrical matching box connected to the transducer, what pressure field will the system produce? System characterization is described by international standards. The first HIFU standard was issued by the Chinese government (China, 2005). At the ...
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lower than an upper limit, thus allowing the optimal water production rate to be determined; second, we considered that the fracture spacing has obvious influence on the heat transfer processes, and thus the MINC method was used as a standard to determine the application ranges of the EPM ...
m = 0, (6) Sensors 2017, 17, 1399 5 of 18 where km = dividing k2m, ωυm is the wave number Equation (6) is written as and ω is the angular frequency of the AC magnetic the standard form of the first order Bessel's differential field. By equation ∂2u. m ∂(kmr)2 + ...
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According to this approach a virtual non-dispersive associated device controlled by equivalent port voltages is defined, in such a way to be compatible with modelling based on standard non-linear dynamic approaches. The equivalent-voltage description of dispersive effects can be identified on the ...
This equality is shown to be equivalent to, and to result from, an obscure but interesting identity property of the standard normal probability curve.StanKaplanandVickiM.BierandDennisC.BleySDOSReliability Engineering & System SafetyKaplan, S., Bier, V. M., Bley, D. C., "A note on ...
Related to Christianity Jesus Christ on ancient/medieval Byzantine Coins - SEARCH for coins in my Store Chi-Rho the Early Christian Monogram of Christ - Roman Military Standard Depicting the Chi-Rho - History of the Chi-Rho and Labarum Military standard Pontius Pilate - Known chiefly for ...