Related to equivalence:Equivalence principle,equivalence relation,Equivalence class e·quiv·a·lence (ĭ-kwĭv′ə-ləns) n. 1.The state or condition of being equivalent; equality. 2.MathematicsAn equivalence relation. 3.LogicThe relationship that holds for two propositions that are either ...
What are the equivalence classes of the equivalence relation {(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)} on the set {0, 1, 2, 3}?Equivalence Class:We are given an equivalence relation and a set. From this, we have to find ...
We consider a class of homogeneous self-similar sets with complete overlaps and give a sufficient condition for the Lipschitz equivalence between members in this class.doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2450.6325Chen, XiuJiang, KanLi, WenxiaAdvances in Mathematics...
1. Binary Duadic codes and equivalent class; 二元Duadic码及其等价类 2. On number of equivalent classes of fuzzy subgroups of primary abel P-group; 初等交换P-群的模糊子群的等价类数 3. On the Number of Equivalent Classes of Fuzzy Subgroups of a Finite Cycle Group; 有限循环群的Fuzzy子群...
of codes with respect to the action of the group. In general, we can’t reach equally sized classes for any class of codes. For instance, we will show that maximal self-complementary circular codes can’t be classified into equally sized equivalence classes due to the action of(see Example...
The ground states of a certain class of one-dimensional models with a nonconvex interatomic interaction which exhibit spatially modulated structures are proved to be equivalent to those of the Frenkel-Kontorova-type models with a convex interatomic interaction. One of the nonconvex models numerically ...
摘要: Equivalence classes of Boolean symmetric functions under negations and permutations of variables and negation of output are presented with their number.DOI: 年份: 1986 ...
The as-many-as relation is an equivalence relation between sets, and we could try theequivalence classofAunder it as the (cardinal) number of (members of)A. That was roughly Frege's approach, but Cantor construes the number of members ofAas something we abstract from the sets the same ...
Related to equivalence relation:Equivalence class equivalence relation n. Areflexive,symmetric,andtransitiverelationshipbetweenelementsof aset,suchascongruenceforthesetofalltrianglesin aplane. AmericanHeritage®DictionaryoftheEnglishLanguage,FifthEdition.Copyright©2016byHoughtonMifflinHarcourtPublishingCompany.Published...
Equivalence Class源码分析 Equivalence Cache数据结构 Equivalence Cache结构定义如下: // EquivalenceCache holds: // 1. a map of AlgorithmCache with node name as key // 2. function to get equivalence podtype EquivalenceCache struct { sync.RWMutex ...