一、性质不同 1、equity:意思中夹杂着合法,规则,公平公正的含义。在金融中意思是刨去债务的所有物的价值。2、equality:意思更多的是两者有着相同的量,地位,或者形状。二、来源不同 1、equity:最早来源于法语,1300年就出现在英文中了。2、equality:来源于中世纪法语,从拉丁语而来。三、使用情景...
The dictionary defines equality as the state of being equal in rights, status, and opportunity. In the context of social policy, equality is the right of different groups of people—such as men and women or Blacks and whites—to enjoy the benefits of similar social status and receive the sa...
第一张图的解释为: The assumption is that everyone benefits from the same support. This is considered to be equal treatment.(假设每个人都从同样的支持中受益,这被认为是平等的对待。) 所以equality 的含义就是“平等”,即不考虑个体差异,每...
第一张图的解释为: The assumption is that everyone benefits from the same support. This is considered to be equal treatment.(假设每个人都从同样的支持中受益,这被认为是平等的对待。) 所以equality 的含义就是“平等”,即不考虑个体差异,每个人给予同等的支持。 第二张图的解释为: Everyone gets the su...
Equity is possible without equality. Equal circumstances do not always produce equitable results, but equitable circumstances should produce equal results. What is the concept of equity? Socially and legally speaking, equity refers to fair or just treatment of people within a group so they may all...
However,equalityandequityare not synonyms, and the methods used to achieve them are often very different. Let’s look at what these two words actually mean and how we should be using them. What doesequalitymean? The wordequalityis defined as “the state or quality of being equal; corresponde...
在社会正义方面,equity强调因人而异的需要,可以更好地为弱势群体提供帮助,而equal则可以保障每个人都有平等的权利和机会。Equality和equity的区别 equity和equality的区别在于目标和实现方式不同。equality是指平等,强调每个人都应该拥有同等的机会和资源,这是通过消除不平等的因素来实现的。而equity是指...
An equal foundation Before defining “equity” and “equality,” let’s look at their common root word: “equal.” According to Dictionary.com, “equal” was first recorded in 1350–1400. It comes from the Latin wo...
Equity vs. Equality In short, equality should be the goal of a workforce while equity is the means to get there. Equality is the state of being equal in status, rights, and opportunities. This refers to making sure individuals or groups of people are given the same resources or rights to...
“equity: The proportional distribution of desirable outcomes across groups. Sometimes confused with equality, equity refers to outcomes while equality connotes equal treatment. More directly, equity is when an individual’s race, gender, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, etc. do not determine...