Equity Research Intern100-150元/天 上海浦东新区陆家嘴3天/周2个月本科 Title: Equity Research Intern Basic information: • Summer full-time Internship 睿格资产 基金0-20人 SA - Commercial Strategy Research13-23K 上海黄浦区外滩3-5年本科
刚刚实行了一年多就看到买方的research spending剧烈下降,而且大的real money manager都开始要求投行对其在...
哈喽大家好呀,我是Shirley,在刚过去的秋天我拿到了UBS HK Global Markets 2023 Summer Intern的offer。 但谁又能想到,一开始的我其实是想要做IBD或Equity Research的呢,直到去年暑假我才调转思路。 1 -原来我并非不适合Sales&Trading 2019年我去听了一个宣讲会,正好Jerry也出席了那次活动,我由此了解到WST,但我总...
Analyst - 2 Year (HK / China) The Carlyle Group 上海市 Private Equity Job Function... bank, private equity firm, equity research firm, management...更多…… Culture, Diversity and Employee Experience Sanofi 上海市 合同工 geographies and drive capability Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Support ...
HK was a recipient of an Australian Government Research Training Program scholarship. Author information Authors and Affiliations Yardhura Walani Centre, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National University, Canberra, 2601, Australia Helen Kehoe & Raymond Lovett Medicine...
Racism in the healthcare system has become a burgeoning focus in health policy-making and research. Existing research has shown both interpersonal and structural forms of racism limiting access to quality healthcare for racialised healthcare users. Never
Further research is needed to explore whether differential use of home care adequately meets the needs of men and women with dementia. Our study has certain limitations. We conducted a cross-sectional analysis; thus, we can conclude on association, not causality. Our study did not have the ...
Using women's health research to develop women leaders in academic health sciences: the National Centers of Excellence in Women's Health. J Womens Health Gend Based Med. 2001;10(1):39–47. 10. Rabinowitz HK, Diamond JJ, Veloski JJ, Gayle JA. The impact of multiple predictors on ...
cre.com.hk (v) 他、他的家族權益、上文(iii)所述任何受託人(以受託人身份行事)及/或任何 受託人權益合計,直接或間接擁有的權益資本可行使或控制行使股東大會表決 權的 30%(或香港收購及合併守則不時指定為觸發強制性全面收購的其他百分 比)或以上,或控制董事會多數成員組成的公司,或身為該公司附屬公司或...
The disciplinary disconnect in the realms of MM and equity may partly explain the dearth of research on socio-cultural aspect affecting care of multimorbid patients. The scarce literature that does exist, however, depicts the complexity involved in the care of multicultural multimorbid adults. For ...