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Inside information pursuant to article 17 of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Hypoport SE: Significant Increase in Revenue and EBIT in the Fiscal Year 2024 // Publication of Forecast for 2025 Berlin, February 19, 2025: In today’s board meeting, the preliminary and unaudited financial figures...
The Europe Private Equity Market is expected to reach USD 235.50 billion in 2025 and grow at a CAGR of 9.56% to reach USD 371.75 billion by 2030. Oakley Capital, CVC, Permira partners, Apax and IXO Private Equity are the major companies operating in this
{VFC US Equity}; Michelle Choe's departure wiped about $3b in market cap from Lululemon last week - she's added back $350m into VF on Friday as new Vans head. An impressive feat, but we don't think credit needs to read into it - mgmt new across the board but catalyst near-term...
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