When you start a sole proprietorship, you own the entire business. Or, in financial terms, you own all the equity. However, as you take on investors or business partners, or hire employees, you might offer them an ownership stake in the business. All of these partial owners, including you...
turning equity into cash liquidity is when equity becomes a tangible asset. without a liquidity event or the prospect of a liquidity event, equity in a business is virtually meaningless. the biggest advantage of investing in the public market is its liquidity: publicly traded stocks are typically...
Net assets refer to the ownersequityin a business, or assets minus liabilities. 净资产指企业中的所有者权益, 即资产减去负债. 期刊摘选 But dishing outequityto reward staff who undertake corporate ventures is fraught with pitfalls. 但是,大量分发股本以奖励负责企业风险投资的员工,这种方式充满了陷阱. ...
Stock 是股票(证_)的统称. I own stocks.(我拥有股票) I have ten stocks in my portfolio.(我的投资组合内有十只股票) Microsoft's stock hits a recent high.(微软的股票达到近来的高位) Share 是一股股票,每一股有一个投票权 I own a share of Microsoft.(我拥有一股微软) I ...
"Equity" in business terms is the value of a business if all the business’s assets were liquidated and all the debts were paid off. It’s thebyproduct of assets minus liabilities. So, what is "brand equity"? Just like business equity, your brand builds value, too. This value isdeterm...
Equity的定义定义:权益的账面价值,也就是财务报表上的所有者权益那个值 区别:Equity:净值,或称资产净值、帐面价值,意指财产拥有人在财产留置以外所拥有的利益,通常为一笔金额 股票净值总额=公司资本金+法定公积金+资本公积金+特别公积金+累积盈余-累积亏损.Asset:资产是指企业过去的交易或者事项形成的...
18. The assets that back securities represent many sectors of business activity, from credit card receivables to auto, boat and recreational vehicle loans, and from equipment leases to home-equity and bank loans. 用以支持型证券的资产涵盖了不同的业务领域,从信用卡应收账款到汽车、船只和休闲设施贷款...
capital是资本,从企业会计学理论来讲,资本是指所有者投入生产经营,能产生效益的资金。equity是stockholders’ equity意思是所有者权益,是指企业资产扣除负债后,由所有者享有的剩余权益,既可反映所有者投入资本的保值增值情况,又体现了保护债权人权益的理念。第二,三者的范围不同:assetes包括:包括现金...
While they’re both forms of financing, a home equity loan differs from a business loan in several ways. A home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC) is a debt that’s secured by your home, similar to a mortgage. Basically, it allows you to borrow against your equity stake — the ...
When a business goes bankrupt and has toliquidate, equity is the amount of money remaining after the business repays its creditors. This is often called "ownership equity," also known as riskcapitalor "liable capital." Private Equity