Alastair Hudson's is an ideal textbook for undergraduate courses on the law of trusts and equitable remedies. It provides a clear, current and comprehensive account of the subject through which the author's enthusiasm and expertise shine through, helping to bring to life an area of the law ...
Dal Pont, Thomson Reuters, 5th Edition [Extract] This is the fifth edition of this title and the release of this edition is timely in that it accompanies the release of its textbook counterpart, Equity and Trusts in Australia, also by Professor Dal Pont. The preface identifie... N Corbett...
Part 1: Fundamentals of Equity and Trusts 1. Introduction 2. Understanding the Trust Part 2: Express Trusts 3. Certainty in the Creation of Express Trusts 4. The Rights of Beneficiaries and the Beneficiary Principle 5. Formalities in the Creation of Express Trusts 6. Secret Trusts 7. Essay ...