To choose the right loan for your business, make sure you know all about the types of equipment financing. Types of equipment financing While businesses often use equipment loans to finance equipment, you can buy equipment with many types of business loans. Options for equipment financing include...
Finance up to 90% of the valuation or purchase price Tap on a government-assisted scheme if you wish Choose a repayment period of up to 8 years Who can apply Any company incorporated in Singapore for at least 2 years At least 30% of the company must be owned by Singapore citizens or ...
Annual Percentage Rate The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is a method to compute annualized credit cost which includes interest rate and loan origination fee. To calculate the same, pleaseclick hereto download the APR calculator.
Repayment period 1 month to 30 years terms What is asset finance? Purchase or lease Asset finance enables you to purchase or lease an item, including leasing a new company car, expanding your service offerings, or replacing broken equipment Pay in instalments You can then pay for it in inst...
We will work with you to find a loan amount and repayment plan best suited to your business needs. Once the application is complete and approved the money will be moved into your account. Contact an Equipment Finance Specialist Today: