In all, the "Optimize by Equinox" membership costs $42,000 a year. The $36,000 yearly fee doesn't include a regular gym membership, which is required, and runs about $500 a month, or $6,000 a year. The ultra-premium offering includes personal training, nutrition coaching, biomarker tr...
The new program will cost $3,000 a month for a minimum of six months. The fee doesn't include an Equinox gym membership, which brings the total to about $40,000 or more for the year. "It's a human-first, highly luxury service meets data meets coaching program," Klim said. The Op...
Equinox其实在11和12月的时候推出了很多优惠来吸引新会员,比如取消initiation fee等。每次有新会员想要加入的时候,都会有membership advisor带着他们在健身房浏览一遍,我明显感觉到过去两个月gym tour的频率越来越高了。所以,Equinox的整体会员数量其实是在不断增长的,尤其是近几个月大家都开始回到办公室上班,Equinox 在...