Equilibrium is described as a condition where all the effects are zero. It means that all the effects or the acting powers cancel each other out in order to obtain a stable solution. Equilibrium is also described as a state of balance....
稳定 的 静态平衡 和 不稳定的 静态平衡。例如: 拱桥形 的 曲面,在它的中点,也就是 最高点,理论上,你可以放个球在那个点处,球的重力正好通过支撑点,这时处于 静态平衡。但它是 不稳定的 静态平衡。轻微干扰,就会失去平衡 如果 是反 拱桥形 的 曲面,放个球在 对应的 这个点,它是 稳...
stable and unstable equilibrium 读音:美英 stable and unstable equilibrium基本解释 【财】稳定与不稳定均衡 分词解释 stable稳定的 unstable不稳固的 equilibrium平衡,均势
Stable and Unstable Equilibrium: Learn about stable equilibrium and get example of stable equilibrium here. Also, get example of unstable equilibrium.
6) stable equilibrium 稳定的均衡补充资料:稳定与不稳定 一切物质系统在时间进程中维持和改变某种状态的特性。稳定是指系统在受到来自外部或内部的干扰以后能够自动回到原来状态,不稳定是指不能回复到原来状态。任何事物的稳定性总是相对的,即相对于一定方面,存在于一定的范围之中。稳定之中蕴藏着不稳定,并且不断地...
The meaning of UNSTABLE EQUILIBRIUM is a state of equilibrium of a body (as a pendulum standing directly upward from its point of support) such that when the body is slightly displaced it departs further from the original position.
T., ‘Location of stable and unstable equilibrium configurations using a model trust region quasi-Newton method and tunnelling’, Comput. & Structures 21 , 1985, 909–916.Kwok, H.H., Kamat, M.P. and Watson, L.T., “Location of stable and unstable equilibrium configurations using a model...
A fast incremental/iterative solution procedure that handles "snap-through" - ScienceDirect Riks [1] has recently proposed a new solution procedure for overcoming limit points. To this end, he adds, to the standard equilibrium equations, a constra... MA Crisfield - 《Computers & Structures》 ...
Equilibrium Solution In subject area: Mathematics An equilibrium solution y is a sink (or asymptotically stable solution) if solutions with initial conditions “sufficiently close” to y approach y as the independent variable tends to infinity. From: A Modern Introduction to Differential Equations (...