Theequilibrium constantis the ratio of the equilibrium concentrations of theproductsraised to the power of theirstoichiometriccoefficients to the equilibriumconcentrationsof thereactantsraised to the power of their stoichiometric coefficients. For a reversible reaction: aA + bB → cC + dD The equilibrium...
Noun1.equilibrium constant- (chemistry) the ratio of concentrations when equilibrium is reached in a reversible reaction (when the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction) chemical science,chemistry- the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with...
The concept ofequilibrium constantis adopted from chemistry and is used in calculations relating tofree energychanges. For the reaction 4/3Al + O2= 2/3Al2O3, the equilibrium constant is given byK =[Al2O3]2/3/[Al]4/3[O2], where [] denotes concentration. Note that the concentration is...
We will use several different initial concentrations of the reactants to determine whether the equilibrium constant has the same numerical value when the complex isformed under different conditions.AP Chemistry
Related to chemical equilibrium:equilibrium constant,Le Chatelier's principle ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. chemical equilibrium- a chemical reaction and its reverse proceed at equal rates equilibrium acid-base balance,acid-base equilibrium- (physiology) the norm...
EquilibriumConstant,KandK-CHEMISTRY:平衡常数,K和K-化学 Name: ___KEY ___CHM 152 Chemical Equilibrium Page 1 of 8 CHM 152 – Equilbrium Equilibrium Constant, K c and K p 1. Once a system has reached equilibrium, are the following true or false?a. The reaction is finished, no...
It was found that the adsorption equilibrium constant for DPPC is increased in presence of PFH in the gas atmosphere. For insoluble monolayers a complicated model was used in [93,94] which takes into account: 1) LE/LC phase transition; 2) bimodal distribution (large clusters and monomers); ...
The 0-Dreactor is plunged into a thermal bath maintained at constant temperatureT. ii. The translational energy mode of the atoms and molecules is assumed to follow a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution at the temperatureTof the thermal bath.
5a top). Under these conditions, species −1, 0 and +1 form with a comparable rate constant of k = 2.4–3.0 × 10−3 min−1 (for the kinetics of the non-catalysed, intramolecular unwinding see Supplementary Figs. 26 and 28–30), while ring-closure to +2 and +3 was not...
Kb is the base dissociation constant. The base dissociation constant is a measure of how completely a base dissociates into its component ions in water. Kb = [B+][OH-]/[BOH] pKb = -log Kb A large Kb value indicates the high level of dissociation of a strong base. A lower pKb value...