USD Exchange rate Local Currency Units per USD 633.5697 Jan/2025 monthly 9/2004 - 1/2025 Definition chart Money supply, billion currency units billion XAF 1331.81 Jul/2023 monthly 12/2017 - 7/2023 Definition chart Private sector credit, billion currency units billion XAF...
Complete profile for Equatorial Guinea. Includes country demographics, geography, government, economy, telecommunications, transportation, military, and transnational issues.
a recent rebasing of GDP resulted in an upward revision of the size of the economy by approximately 30%. Forestry and farming are minor components of GDP. Although preindependence Equatorial Guinea counted on cocoa production for hard currency earnings, the neglect of the rural economy since indep...
20110.585139º 20100.579137º 20090.586134º 20080.582135º 20070.578135º 20060.569134º 20050.556134º 20040.545130º 20030.537128º 20020.534127º 20010.522126º 20000.512126º Equatorial Guinea - Human Development Index ...