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and used that the term with \(q_1^t\) on both sides is real. recall definition 3.1 . using \(\phi (x_1,t) = \phi _{k}(x_1,t) + \phi _{\geqq k}(x_1,t)\) , \(p_1^tq_1^t = 0\) and the symmetry of \(\psi _n\) , we can rewrite ( 6.3 ) as $$\...
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change" of the dependent variable with its derivative, the word "is" with the = sign, the phrase "proportional to" with k, and finally translate the remainder of the given sentence into symbols. 32. / dP dt k P = 33. 2 / dv dt k v = 34. / (250 ) dv dt k v = ...
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A novel solution strategy that combines projection techniques with the full exploitation of the entry-wise structure of the involved coefficient matrices is proposed. The resulting scheme is able to efficiently solve problems with a tremendous number of degrees of freedom while maintaining a low ...
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