2.4 The Precise Definition of a Limit(微积分:极限的精确定义) xingwl_sipsd 3 0 10.4 Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates(微积分:极坐标下的面积和弧长积分) xingwl_sipsd 20 0 4.8 Newton’s Method(微积分:牛顿方法) xingwl_sipsd 14 0 1.3 New Functions from Old Functions(微积分:来自...
参数方程为 x=5+t, y=1+4t, z=3-2t . 2. (a) 求经过点 A\left( 2,4,-3 \right) 和B\left( 3,-1,1 \right) 的直线的参数方程和对称方程;(b) 求该直线与 xy 平面的交点. 解:(a) 注意到以 \overrightarrow{AB} 表示的向量 \bold v=\left< 3-2,-1-4,1-\left( -3 \right) ...
1. 直线的方程:直线的向量方程是[公式],参数[公式]表示位置向量[公式]在直线[公式]上的位置。给定两点[公式]和[公式],线段的向量方程为[公式],适用于[公式]的情况。参数方程和对称方程是描述直线的重要方式,例如当[公式]时,直线在竖直平面[公式]上,其对称方程为[公式]。2. 平面的方程:平...
11. C-1 points SCalc7 12.5.040, Find an equation of the plane. The plane that passes through the line of intersection of the planes x-z=2 and y+3z=3 and is perpendicular to the plane x +y-4z=5. Find the equation of the plane that passe...
Homework Statement Determine whether the lines L1:x=t, y=16+4t ,z=8+t and L2:x=−7+2t, y=−8+6t, z=−3+4t intersect, are skew, or are parallel. If they...
Javier writes the equation (10 + 2/3)a = 50, where a is the tree's age in years. His equation is not correct. What error did he make? Answer:B: The variable a should be multiplied by 2/3 only and then added to 10 Nari says, "The sum of 10 and one-third of a number is...
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Equations of the Loci of the Intersections of three Tangent Lines and of three Tangent Planes to any Quadric u = 0http://plms.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/doi/10.1112/plms/s1-14.1.177doi:10.1112/plms/s1-14.1.177WolstenholmeOxford University Press...
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