This resource is a comprehensive overview of everything students and teachers alike need to know regarding circle and tangent equations for the purposes of the GCSE Mathematics exam. It can either be used by teachers to guide students through lessons or by students as a revision resource. It als...
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It's an interactive pack of revision cards for the GCSE Physics equations and their units. Learn the equations, symbols and units. Explore rearranging and changing units. Learn more It's a way to quiz your memory and understanding of units. Always near, ready for any spare moment. ...
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This value of x can be substituted into equation [1] or [2], or into the expression for y: y = 2x − 1. Choose the one that is easiest! As a check, substitute the values back into each of the two starting equations. The second method is called solution by elimination. ...
Quadratic Simultaneous Equations Grade 9 Advanced Algebra Quadratic Simultaneous Equations Lesson Objective: to recap how to solve linear simultaneous equations and how to solve simultaneous equations when one of them is quadratic Quadratic Simultaneous Equations Expand the brackets (3+𝑥) 2 = 3+𝑥 ...
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