The equations of kinetic and available potential energy for the analysis of the growth and decay of atmospheric waves in wave-number-frequency space are derived. The effects of linear and nonlinear interactions of waves in the velocity and temperature fields, the conversions between the available pot...
Solve for potential energy. Enter Calculator Inputs: Solution: Enter input values and press Calculate. Change Equation or Formulas: Tap or click to solve for a different unknown or equation potential energy mass acceleration of gravity height ...
In this study we show how the Schwinger-Keldysh effective field equations can be used to compute loop corrections to the potential in a way which parallels the classical treatment. We derive explicit results for the one-loop correction from the graviton self-energy induced by a massless, ...
THEORY OF LOW ENERGY NUCLEON-NUCLEON SCATTERING. III. PARTIAL WAVE INTEGRAL EQUATIONS FOR LOW ORBITAL MOMENTUM AMPLITUDES The theory of low-energy N-N scattering developed previously was applied to the low orbital momentum scattering amplitudes. Integral equations for these am... D Amati,E Leader,...
In this chapter, we collect the equations expressing the balance of mass, energy and momentum, which together with the constitutive equation, determine the motion of fluids. I have tried to suppress details of derivations that I believe are adequately explained in many books on fluid dynamics. DO...
The (caloric) state equation is the equation that describes the functional dependance of the specific internal energy upon the chosen pair of primary state variables (s, υ): e=e(s,υ)ore=e(s,ρ) Generally this equation does not exist explicitly (except for a perfect gas), but some meas...
We also show that for the case of spontaneous symmetry breaking, the normalized effective potential is completely different from the symmetric case, though the two cases satisfy the same RGE with the same RG-functions. It is concluded that the vacuum energy density arises only in the case of ...
Equations are obtained which characterize a point transformation to the collective subspace and the elements of the collective hamiltonian — potential energy and mass matrix. These are found to have the same mathematical structure as those occurring in studies based on the adiabatic time-dependent ...
for , with where the operator I is the classical Riesz potential defined by and the exponent is energy subcritical. We consider Weinstein-type functional restricted to rays passing through the ground state. The corresponding real valued function of the path parameter has an appropriate analytic exten...
We consider damped wave equations with a potential and rotational inertia terms. We study the Cauchy problem for this model in the one dimensional Euclidean space and we obtain fast energy decay and L^2-decay of the solution itself as time goes to infinity. Since we are considering this probl...