Fortunately, you can use GrindEQ Equation3-to-Equation converter, which will upgrade your old equations. Equation3-to-Equation is a part ofMathType-to-Equationmodule because Equation 3 and MathType were both created by Design Science, Inc., thus these equation editors are using similar formats...
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Convert your TeX and LaTeX documents to Microsoft Word; Choose either Microsoft Equation, Equation Editor 3.x, or MathType format for converted equations; BibTeX emulator is included; LaTeX cross-referencing and Microsoft Word cross-referencing fields are supported; ...
Convert your TeX and LaTeX documents to Microsoft Word; Choose either Microsoft Equation, Equation Editor 3.x, or MathType format for converted equations; BibTeX emulator is included; LaTeX cross-referencing and Microsoft Word cross-referencing fields are supported; ...
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