Henderson-Hasselbalch equation a formula for calculating the pH of a buffer solution such as blood plasma, pH = pKa + log [BA/HA]; [HA] is the concentration of a free weak acid; [BA] the concentration of the ionized form of this acid; pKa the acid dissociation constant, a measure of...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook equation (redirected fromEquation of motion) Thesaurus Medical Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia e·qua·tion (ĭ-kwā′zhən, -shən) n. 1.The act or process of equating or of being equated. ...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook personal equation Thesaurus Medical Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia personal equation n.Psychology 1.Those characteristics of a person that cause variation in observation, judgment, and reasoning. ...
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(30). Similar to Fock’s approach, we consider representing \(\phi (x)\) in the form \(\int _C {\phi (\tau , {\textbf{x}}) d \tau }\), with the condition that \(\int _C {\frac{\partial \phi (\tau , {\textbf{x}})}{\partial \tau }} d \tau = \phi (\tau , ...
The domain and range of a function are either written in set notation as a list of individual numbers or as an interval or union of intervals. If a continuum of values form the domain or range, then intervals will work the best. Use parentheses to indicate that the endpoint of the interv...
(12)h(ψ,β0)=−log|∑i=12pi(∇Erβ0(Ti))(∇Erβ0(Ti))T|. We implement DE to find the locally D-optimal design. In addition to the two temperatures we also need to search for the proportion of observations to take at one of the temperature levels (since the other is the...
By plotting the linear form of Eq. (5.3), log q = 1/n log C + log Kd, the slope is the value of 1/n and the intercept is equal to log Kd. If 1/n = 1, Eq. (5.3) becomes equal to Eq. (5.2a) (Box 5.2), and Kd is a partition coefficient, Kp. One of the major ...
The Clausius-Clapeyron equation may be used for calculating any of the quantities entering into the equation if the remaining quantities are known. In particular, the equation is used for calculating the heats of evaporation, which are difficult to determine experimentally. ...
L∊obtainedfromLaftereliminatinganarcoflength2∊thatissymmetricwithrespecttot.ThekernelK(t,z) isassumedtobelongtooneoftheclassesconsideredinthetheoryofnon-singularintegralequations.Manyproblemsof,forexample,thetheoryofanalyticfunctions,elasticitytheory,andhydrodynamics,reducetosingularintegralequationsoftheform(*...