Answer to: Find the distance between the point P=(3,-2,-2) and the plane with the equation -2x + 4y - 4z = 5 By signing up, you'll get thousands of...
The distance between a point (x1,y1) and a line ax+by+c=0 is |ax1+by1+c|a2+b2Answer and Explanation: To find locus which is equidistant from y=1 and x=2? Let any point on the locus be (x,y), then {eq}\frac{|y-1|}{\sqrt{0^2+1^......
[studentactivity]:exploretheequationsofthecircle. [teacherpreset]:Method1:coordinatemethod Asshowninfigure,M(x,y)isapointonthecircle.According tothedefinition,thedistancefromMtothecenteroftheC isequaltoR,sothecircleCisthesetP={M||MC|=r} Bytheformulaofthedistancebetweentwopoints,thecondition suitable...
The distance between the two points is 2–√2, hence the distance from the points to the bisector is 12√12. Pythagoras gives the distance from the bisector to the centre of the circles as 5−12−−−−−√=92−−√=32√5−12=92=32. If we draw a line at ...
To find the secondary field, we have to use the solution of Laplace’s equation that decreases as the distance from the ellipsoid increases. Let us assume that the second type of solution has the form (3.124)Us(ξ,η,ς)=BG1(ξ)F2(η)F3(ς). This presentation is very natural ...
Once a subinterval that has a single interior root is found, a robust bisection can be applied to find the root and subdivide the subinterval at the root. The recursion terminates for that subinterval. In an application that will perform intersection queries with multiple lines but only one ...
Write the slope intercept equation of the function f whose graph satisfies the given conditions: The graph of f passes through (-12, 8) and is perpendicular to the line that has an x intercept of 7 and a y intercept of -21. 1) Find the distance between the l...
Finally, we use the simplified form of the equation to give a description of the set of points equidistant from the original points. Answer and Explanation: The Distance Formula states that the distance {eq}d {/eq} between two points {eq}(x_1, y...
Then the distance between these two points, A and B, is given by the following formula: {eq}\begin{align*} \Rightarrow &AB = \sqrt{( x_2 - x_1)^2 + (y_2 - y_1)^2} \end{align*} {/eq} Answer and Explanation: ...
For vacuum, the permittivity ɛ0 has the value of 8.854 × 10− 12 F/m and the value of permeability μ0 is 1.256 × 10− 6 H/m (Reitz et al., 1990). We shall explain and discuss each of these equations in turn. You may find some books using the magnetic field H in the...