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that I’ve never seen elsewhere. The procedure works by answering the question from the previous paragraph:a mean average is the value you’d have if the quantity were distributed evenly.(If we have 20 total cookies, how many to give each person so they are the...
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How should you find the best summary line to predict Y from X based on a bivariate data set? One well-established approach is to find the line that has the smallest prediction error overall in some sense. The conventional way to do this is to use the least-squares line, which has the...
In this section using the subdivision collocation algorithm to find solution of the different problems. Computations are carried out in Matlab. The numerical solutions for each example are calculated as follows: we first computed an initial guess by solving (31), and then, using the obtained ...
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How to Calculate T-Score When learning how to find t-score, first learn what each term in the equation stands for: {eq}\overline x {/eq} is the sample mean. It is the average value of the data points.The T-Score Equation Examples of the T-Score Formula Applications of the T-Score...
The mating ritual consists of a peacocks display of their feathers, often being pushed out and up to make them seem as large as possible wherein they shake them in a sort of dance. Scientists have found this show helps peahens find their mates in the wild, therefore if peacocks possess ...
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