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If the length of the diagonal AC of a square ABCD is 5.2cm, then the area of the square is : View Solution ABCD is a parallelogram, AB=14cm,BC=18cm and AC=16cm Find the length of the other diagonal? View Solution ABCD is a rhombus with side 6 cm. If one of the diagonals is ...
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// Rust program to roots of a quadratic equation use std::io; fn main() { let mut a:f32 = 0.0; let mut b:f32 = 0.0; let mut c:f32 = 0.0; let mut rootA:f32 = 0.0; let mut rootB:f32 = 0.0; let mut realp:f32 = 0.0; let mut imagp:f32 = 0.0; let mut disc:f...
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distance at which lightning happens, the speed of sound in the air, time interval between flash and thunder. to find the distance of lightning d = s * t where, d is the distance to the lightning s is the speed of sound in air t is the elapsed time between lightning flash and ...
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If length of diagonal AC =4 units and area of ABCD = 8 sq. units. (i) The length of the other diagonal is (ii) the length of side AB is equal to View Solution ABCD is a rhombus whose diagonals intersect at O. If AB=10cm, diagonals BD=16 cm , find the length of diagonal AC...