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If you don't get prompted to convert there are a few possible causes: The equation may already be in a supported format, such as OMML, and not require conversion. The equation converter is only available for Office 2019 and Microsoft 365 build 16.0.10730 or later. ...
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Scroll down to the bottom: "Table of Cent Difference". Statement: Cent is a logarithmic unit of measure of an interval, and that is a dimensionless "frequency ratio" off2/f1. Calculation: Intervals (cents) and Frequency (Hz) as Excel Program (xls) ...
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Hazen-Williams equation in an Excel template The Hazen-Williams equation is not the only empirical formula available. Manning's formula is commonly used to calculate gravity driven flows in open channels. The flow velocity can be calculated as v = 0.408709 q / d2(2) where v = flow ...
If you don't get prompted to convert there are a few possible causes: The equation may already be in a supported format, such as OMML, and not require conversion. The equation converter is only available for Office 2019 and Microsoft 365 build 16.0.10730 or later. ...
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