quadratic, quadratic equation - an equation in which the highest power of an unknown quantity is a square biquadratic equation, biquadratic - an equation of the fourth degree differential equation - an equation containing differentials of a function simultaneous equations - a set of equations in two...
Easy Equation Solver is a simple and easy to use program for solving equations. The program can solve: Quadratic Equation, Cubic Equation, Equation with 1 Unknown, 2 Equations with 2 Unknowns, 3 Equations with 3 Unknowns, Determinant 2x2 and Determinant 3x3. You can create lists of equations...
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Let’s look at the following set of three simultaneous linear equations: (4.24)a1x1+a2x2+a3x3=h1,b1x1+b2x2+b3x3=h2, c1x1+c2x2+c3x3=h3. Here the ai,bi,ci, and hi are known quantities, while the xi are unknowns which we may be able to find by solving the equations. We now...
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Simul Equation: Simultaneous linear equations with two to four unknowns Polynomial: High-order equations from 2nd to 4th degree Solver: Function to find the value of any variable contained in an input equation Simultaneous Linear Equations Here, we explain the general procedure for solving a...
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Related to Simultaneous linear equation: System of equationssimultaneous equations[‚sī·məl′tā·nē·əs i′kwā·zhənz] (mathematics) A collection of equations considered to be a set of joint conditions imposed on the variables involved. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Tech...
satisfy a set of equations, then we call this set a system of equations, and the numbers in question, solutions of the system. For example, the equationsx+ 2y= 5, 2x+y – z= 1 are a system or two equations in three unknowns. One solution of this system isx= 1,y= 2,z= 3....
方程论theory of equations 方程模拟解算机analog equation solver 方程式equation 方程语句{计} equation statement 方程组{计} equation statement 常微分方程ODE; differential equation 偏微分方程数 partial differential equation; PDE 状态方程物化,自 equation of state; 物化,自 state equation ...