RG would like to thank the organizers of the “High-Precision Gravitational Waves” program at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) for providing a stimulating environment where part of these ideas have been developed. This research was supported in part by the National Science ...
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Brzeźniak, Z., Rana, N.: Low regularity solutions to the stochastic geometric wave equation driven by a fractional Brownian sheet. arXiv:2006.07740 (2020) Burq, N., Tzvetkov, N.: Random data Cauchy theory for supercritical wave equations. I. Local theory. Invent. Math. 173(3), 449–...
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doi:10.1088/0253-6102/71/9/1063Saud OwyedMAAbdouAbdel-Haleem Abdel-AtySSaha RayDepartment of MathematicsUniversity of BishaDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of BishaPhysics DepartmentFaculty of Sciences理论物理通讯(英文版)
The C-factor results indicate that cultivated lands requiring intensive site preparation and weeding are most vulnerable to soil loss by sheet and rill erosion. The low P-factor for trenches, reduced tillage cultivation, and terraces suggests that significantly decreased soil loss is possible ...
On the disturbed motion of a plane vortex sheet A formal solution to the initial value problem for a plane vortex sheet in an inviscid fluid is obtained by transform methods. The eigenvalue problem is investigated and the stability criterion determined. This criterion is found to be i... JW...
Experimentally measured FI flux when estimating the target scatterer’s x position (flux_theta_x sheet) and y position (flux_theta_y sheet). On both sheets, the first columns correspond to the x and y coordinates of the measurement point (in metres). The next two columns correspond to the...
reply mentor february 14, 2020 at 2:56 pm in mathematics, a differential equation is an equation that contains one or more functions with its derivatives. the derivatives of the function define the rate of change of a function at a point. it is mainly used in fields such as physics, ...
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