Learn what Young's modulus means in science and engineering, find out how to calculate it, and see example values.
Young's Modulus sometimes referred to as Modulus of Elasticity, meaning - measure of elasticity is an extremely important characteristic of a material.
The Young's modulus and equation of state for crystalline polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is characterized by using the framework of the density function theory, with the local density approximation and ultrasoft psuedopotentials. Phonon modes are calculated by using the density functional perturbation ...
an important partial differential equation with quadratic nonlinearity, describing a large number of physical phenomena. The crucial idea is based on the discretization of the RLW equation with the aid of a combination
A semi-analytical equation for the Young’s modulus of isotropic ceramic materials[J] . Dionissios T. Hristopulos,Melina Demertzi.Journal of the European Ceramic Society . 2007 (6)A semi-analytical equation for the Young‘s modulus of isotropic ceramic materials. Hristopulos, D. T,Demertzi...
Therefore, this section contains mathematical modelling for CF boundary conditions using only a conventional approach based on the work of S. S. Rao [3]. A general 3D view of the prismatic cantilever beam, with beam geometric characteristics such as Young’s Modulus E, moment of inertia I, ...