curve n. 1. 曲线,弧线,曲面,弯面 2.【美】=curve ball(投向击球员的)曲线球 v.[T,I] (使)沿曲线运动;呈曲线形 intrinsic(al) 内禀 intrinsic OR 【计】 本征"或" spiral(curve) 螺线 equation division 均等分裂,均等分裂 liquidus curve 液相曲线 para curve 抛物线 f curve 【医】 f...
Spiral Solution in Curve Lengthening EquationArchitecture, Media
notepadfile,theequationofthecurvecangenerate. Inthefollowingcurveequation, X=a*t,y=b*t,z=c*t(wherea,bisconstantorfunction), forcartesiancoordinateequations. R=a*t,theta=b*t,z=c*t,forcylindricalcoordinate equations. Rho=a*t,theta=b*t,phi=c*t,thesphericalcoordinate ...
a plane curve formed by the intersection of a right circular cone with a plane parallel to a generator of the cone; the set of points in a plane that are equidistant from a fixed line and a fixed point in the same plane or in a parallel plane. See also diag. atconic section. ...
Given on the basis of the derivation line helical gear tooth profile of involute curve, transition curve and the spiral equation, combined with the basic design parameters, the establishment of three-dimensional finite element model of the parameters of the cylindrical helical gear ...
Surface texturing is used to enhance the load-carrying capacity of parallel slider bearings and to reduce friction and wear [1], [2], [3]. While groove-texture, and in particular spiral-grooved bearings [4] and herringbone-grooved bearings [5] have been used for several decades, surface mi...
a利用ANSYS中的APDL语言在推导渐开线斜齿轮齿廓曲线、过渡曲线和螺旋线方程的基础上,结合给定的基本设计参数,建立斜齿圆柱齿轮的参数化三维有限元模型 In the use ANSYS APDL language in infers the involute helical gear tooth profile curve, the transient curve and in the spiral line equation foundation, the...
Use ansys APDL language in the derivation of involute helical gear tooth profile curve on the basis of the transition curve and the spiral equation, combined with the basic design parameters given, the establishment of a cylindrical helical gear parametric 3D finite element model. ...
Equation-driven curve Example 2D explicit curve: A parabola y = x^2 CreateEquationSpline2("", "x^2", "", "-5", "5", False, 0, 0, 0, True, True) 2D parametric curve: A spiral x = t*sin(t); y = t*cos(t) CreateEquationSpline2("t*sin(t)...
According to the differential geometry theory and counter-analysis principle,this paper deduces the spiral curve arc-length base equation of higher degree from its total construction. 介绍应用缓和曲线弧长方程求解弧长的技术方案“弃A取p”,突破“参数估计法”的技术难点,为缓和曲线的应用提供“精确、简便...