The time-fractional Phi-four equation is solved by extended direct algebraic method and Bernoulli sub-ODE method to generate the missing travelling wave solutions. One particular manifestation of the K-Gordon equation is known as the Phi-four equation. The Phi-four equation is a specific case of...
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Understanding the real-time evolution of many-electron quantum systems is essential for studying dynamical properties in condensed matter, quantum chemistry, and complex materials, yet it poses a significant theoretical and computational challenge. Our w
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In this research, we study traveling wave solutions to the fractional extended nonlinear SchrÖdinger equation (NLSE), and the effects of the third-order dispersion parameter. This equation is used to simulate the propagation of femtosecond, plasma phy
In particular, when the total Lagrangian is invariant with respect to time and space transformation, besides of the variational ‘equation of motion’, we can obtain the conservation of a canonical energy–momentum tensor in a form of four following equations: Tαβ,β = 0, α, β = t, ...
Substitution method is a type of algebraic method for solving simultaneous linear equations. Practice substitution method and examples online at BYJU'S
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