Magnetic Force Formula The magnetic force formula is written as {eq}\vec{F}=q*\vec{v}\times \vec{B} {/eq} where q is the charge that is moving with a velocity of v while under the effect of the magnetic field B. In general, the three vectors {eq}\vec{F}, \vec{v}, \vec{...
In other words, Maxwell's equation of electromotive force is identical to what has become known as the Lorentz force equation for a moving unit electric charge. Reflections on Maxwell's Treatise He begins with a review of Maxwell's equation and discussion of the operation of antennas and antenn...
The electric force is one example of a non-contact force created by the electric field. More examples of fields of non-contact forces are the magnetic and gravitational fields. For an isolated electric charge Q, Coulomb's law algebraic equation is F=k∗q∗Qr2 But F=qE This can be ...
A fluid constitutive equation is derived, from the model that allows the prediction of velocity and particle structure fields. The analysis is similar to that of bead-spring models of polymeric liquids with replacement of the elastic connector force by a magnetic force. Results for simple shear ...
The first two equations give the value of the given flux through a closed surface, and the second two equations give the value of a line integral around a loop. In this notation, ∇=(∂/∂x, ∂/∂y, ∂/∂z) E is the electric vector, B is the magnetic induction, ...
The electromagnetic structure of the stationary axisymmetric force-free magnetosphere around a black hole is characterized by the stream function ψ, the current potential I, and the angular velocity of the magnetic field lines ΨF. These functions are governed by the Grad-Shafranov equation. Possible...
1.An expression of Newton's second law that relates forces, displacements, and their derivatives for a mechanical system. 2.For the respiratory system, an equation that relates the forces involved in breathing to the displacements they produce. Typically, pressure differences are used to represent ...
From the vortex influence functional and the bare vortex action, we derive the full quantum equation of motion of a vortex.We relate our arguments and results to the wealth of ideas presented in the superfluid and magnetic literature. We discuss extensions of this work: on including normal ...
In the case of a plasma, we take G to be the fluid velocity u , thus the fluid equation is mn[\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}+(u\cdot\nabla)u]=qn(E+u\times B) 3. The stress tensor When thermal motions are taken into account, a pressure force X has to be added to the rig...
Electromagnetic Force Equation The aforementioned Lorentz force (electromagnetic) is calculated by: {eq}\vec F = q \vec E + q \vec v X \vec B {/eq} Where F is the magnetic force, E is the electric field, v is the velocity of the charged particles, and B is the magnetic field. ...