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This element is supported in PowerPoint 2007. h. The standard defines the attribute draw:formula, contained within the element <draw:equation> This attribute is supported in PowerPoint 2007. PowerPoint 2007 does not support the identifiers "logwidth" and "logheight". i. The standard define...
Figure 1. On the left a periodic solution of Eq (1.2); on the right a solution of (1.1) that disappears at 1. DownLoad: Full-Size Img PowerPoint Throughout the rest of the work, the previous results are generalized in several ways. For instance, in Theorem 12 we show that all so...
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The drawing process is identical to the process for drawing a polyline, except that the drawing process is concluded by clicking on the first point, which is marked with a circle. Alternative, double- click the mouse buttor or press the Enter key and the cursor will move from the last ...
The stability region contains a half circle (13) where k denotes the time step, and for computational purposes the Runge-Kutta method is only useful if it is stable for sufficiently small k/h. In an attempt to gain some insight into the stability of method (7), the standard Fourier ...
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