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The process of reflection takes place continually, and the sound is built up into a sound field known as a reverberant field. If the source of the sound is cut off, the field decays. The amount of time that it takes for the sound energy density to decay by a factor of 106 (i.e.,...
Elsewhere (Dadvand et al., 2018) it was found that adolescents who spent more time in green space, reported a higher level of self-satisfaction. Similarly, longer visits to green space were associated with lower rates of depression, and more frequent visits to green space were associated ...
2.(=linking)the equation of sth with sth→laidentificaciónde algo con algo Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 ...
M. Peiro´, "Linking empowering leadership to safety parti- cipation in nuclear power plants: A structural equation model," Journal of Safety Research, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 215-221, 2012.Corcoles, M, Schobel, M, Gracia, F, Tomas, I and Peiro, J. (2012), "Linking empowering ...
In order to step from the sole Nernst–Planck mathematical description of transport phenomena to the formulation of a process simulation tool, some of the abovementioned works compute also global quantities as the voltage-current relationship and the electric power of the stack. The most simplified ...
Acoustic intensity is a measure of power flux density in Watts/metre2. It and acoustic energy density Ey are related by the well-known energy–flux relation dE∕dt=−∇⋅I. Applying the divergence theorem over the interior volume Ω− and then noting that dE∕dt=0 in a time-harmoni...
specification errors. However, tests of free parameters in the model are affected in such a way that specification error in one parameter can propagate to affect the power of the test in another parameter in the model. Sample size also interacts with the size and type of the specification ...
They confirm that the first term of power functional (5.104) is path-independent. Thus, whenever a power extremum is sought, only the second, irreversible term contributes to the optimization solution. In terms of non-dimensional time τ = t/χ and the per unit system volume entropy ...
The operation of the instrument is based on the principles of QCM in that a high frequency is applied to a piezoelectric quartz crystal to induce the crystal to oscillate and its resonance frequency is monitored in real time. The resonant frequencies of sensors are determined by a proprietary ...