2.(=linking)the equation of sth with sth→laidentificaciónde algo con algo Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 ...
The equation of motion has two additional terms: centripetal acceleration [OMEGA]x([OMEGA]xu) due to time varying motion only and Corioli's acceleration 2[OMEGA]x [??], where u is the dynamic displacement vector. Effects of rotation on plane waves in a generalized thermoelastic solid half-...
The complete system of equations includes the mass balance of ionic species, the conservation of mass (continuity equation) and momentum (Navier–Stokes equations), a condition for the net charge density (electroneutrality or Poisson's law) and a constitutive equation linking current density and ion...
Since the electric current carried by an ion is related to the electrophoretic mobility of the ion, the transference number of the ion is related to its flux across the medium. Eq. (11.3) can be rewritten as a function of the valence of charge and flux of the ionic species: (11.4)ti=...
Numerical Solutions of the Action Equation for Electrostatic Space-charge Flow, with Axial SymmetryTwo types of electron flow are described which are given by solutions of the fiction equation. The solutions ore of the formdoi:10.1080/00207216508937844...
ed current flow?]]>We consider the behaviour of the solutions of Langmuir''s equation in the phase-plane and in particular we discuss the nature of the singular points and the directions of the asymptotes. It is shown that the isoclines of the equation are a family of conies passing ...
In the control-volume method, which is the focus of the present work, the equations governing the flow and heat/mass transfer are integrated in time and space over the volume shown in Figure 10.9. This operation takes the form (10.10)∫V{∂∂t(ρφ)+∂∂xj(ρujφ−Γφ∂∂...
By using the momentum and mass conservation equations, we here derive the generalized Ohm’s law. Consider the current density J defined as the net mass flux of charges:Ji≡∑kCkNkVikwhere the species velocity Vk includes both drift velocity and diffusion velocity. The charged species velocity ...
space charge flow/ A0260 Numerical approximation and analysis A4180G Ion beams and ion opticsIntegral equations are used to calculate ion beams in a self-consistent space-charge-flow simulation. A charge-free solution is found, then an iterative process is used to determine new fields and the ...
SURFACE CHARGEELECTROHYDRODYNAMICSSimulating electrohydrodynamic flow can be used to avoid time-consuming and potentially expensive laboratory experiments. Although experimental analysis of electrohydrodynamic flow is common, theoretical (and simulation) studies are much less prevalent because the phenomena are ...