An equation relating a term in a sequence to one or more of its predecessors in the sequence. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to th...
For example, we selected the equation of the Fourier Series. The equation will be inserted into the worksheet. 1.2 Creating New Equation We can also create a new equation by using the Excel Equation Editor. We will make the Volume formula shown below. Steps: Select Insert tab > Symbols. Cl...
Sometimes a formula is written without the =. For xxample, the formula for the volume of a box is lwh but in a way the ="is still there, because we can write V = lwh if we want to. 长方体的体积 = length * width * height 10 Maths Equations And Formulas that Changed the World ...
The discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation on Zd, d≥1 is an example of a dispersive nonlinear wave system. Being a Hamiltonian system that conserves also the ℓ2(Zd)-norm, the well-posedness of the corresponding Cauchy problem follows for square-summable initial data. In this paper, we ...
The equation must therefore be solved by iteration. The Colebrook equation is generic and can be used to calculate friction coefficients for different kinds of fluid flows - like air ventilation ducts, pipes and tubes with water or oil, compressed air and much more. . Colebrook Online Calculator...
Here we note that one has freedom to choose a different normalization of the Fourier transform. We caution that, while this has no effect on the theory, it does change the expression for the strength of the nonlinearity\alphabelow, and hence the kinetic timescaleT_{\text{kin}}=1/2\alpha...
An equation for the speedcof sound in a gas; it may be writtenc= √(γp/ρ), wherepis the pressure, ρ is the density, and γ is the ratio of specific heats. (mathematics) The partial differential equation which states that the sum of all the nonmixed second partial derivatives equals...
Arrays can be hidden and later restored from the Arrays tables by right-clicking the tab at the top of the Arrays table. A check box is provided for each array. Uncheck the box to hide the display of the array. Version 11.983 2024-12-12 ...
Method 1 – Create a New Equation Using the Equation Command in Excel We will make theVolumeformula for a cylinder. Go to theInserttab and click onSymbols. From theSymbolsgroup, click on theEquationcommand. TheEquation Editorappears.
Plots such as those of Fig. 5.10 cannot be used for delineating adsorption mechanisms at soil surfaces. Sign in to download full-size image FIGURE 5.10. Use of the Freundlich equation to describe zinc adsorption (x)/desorption (0) on soils. Part 1 refers to the linear portion of the ...