As a spatial autocorrelation coefficient, Moran’s index is only a spatial statistic measurement. A measurement is used for description rather than inference. By means of a pair of Eigen equations based on inner product and outer product, we can convert the simple measurement into a set of math...
Note in this figure that the relationship between the y* and t variables is deterministic; the residual variances for the y* variables are zero. Also, no structure has been imposed on the covariance matrix of the latent variables t. Some constraints on the parameters of the model depicted in...
The objective function f(x,y) may be vibration response, deformation, or stress for the mechanical system. In the dynamic optimization process, the objective function f(x,y) can be calculated and searched for by using samples y(t) from the solution of dynamic equations in Eq. (2) for ...
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Differential element for energy equation in Cartesian coordinates (4.7)∂∂xk∂T∂x+∂∂yk∂T∂y+∂∂zk∂T∂z+q.v=ρcp∂T∂t, where q.v is the rate at which energy is generated per unit volume of the medium and ρcp∂T/∂t=E.v is the time rate of ...
T = T_0 I = I_0 G = g_0 + (g_1)^i Then the equation for the IS curve is: IS-LM Model: The IS-LM model is a classic Keynesian model of short-term equilibrium income and interest rate. The model is a general model that c...
TWAS of the common factor summary statistics and T-SEM of FUSION output displayed strong concordance in estimates for the different population generating scenarios (Supplementary Fig.6for scatter plots; Supplementary Fig.7for QQ-plots), but only T-SEM was able to produce theQGenestatistic necessary...
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Thus, the Sobel test statistic was found to be 7.551. Given the 1% error level and the T-value of the Sobel test is greater than 1.96, the mediator variable adaptation is significant in the relationship between mindfulness and students’ academic achievement (P < 0.001, T = 7.551)...