N. N. Bogolyubov, Problems of Dynamic Theory in Statistical Physics [in Russian], Gostekhizdat (1946). About this Article Title Kinetic equation for a nonideal gas with internal degrees of freedom Journal Soviet Physics Journal Volume 21, Issue 10 , pp 1353-1354 Cover Date 1978-10-01...
A kinetic equation describing the elastic interaction of an extremely rarefied gas of high-energy particles with a crystalline structure is systematically derived from these equations.doi:10.1007/BF01207693I. I. Ol'khovskiiM. V. Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityM. B. Ependiev...
The energy dissipation in a gas of structured objects, e.g. molecules, is considered in density matrix formalism. It is shown that the macroscopic irreversibility of the kinetic processes can be considered as a consequence of the microscopic operator ordering. Our approach is free of any special...
According to this theory, the gas molecule is composed of a huge number of tiny molecules compared to the distances between them. The kinetic theory of gases is necessary for clarifying the process of trapping particles by the diffusion mechanism. Let’s learn about the relation between these ma...
Using the first two moment equations of the Vlasov equation, we have developed a transport model based on the convective kinetic energy. This K.E. transport model is applied to the simulation of a ballistic gate-all-around MOSFET. The simulation results show that the current increases substantial...
Kinetic theory of gases is a generalization offered by Maxwell. Boltzmann, Clausius, etc. to explain the behaviour of ideal gases. This theory assumes that ideal gas molecules neither attract nor repel each other. Average kinetic energy of gas molecules is directly proportional to the absolute temp...
Here, Q· and W· show the heat transfer rate and power, and θ shows the total energy of flowing materials and can be defined as: (1.8)θ=internalenergy+flowwork+kineticenergy+potentialenergy or (1.9)θ=u+Pv+0.5ϑ2+gz=h+0.5ϑ2+gz The MBE for a steady flow process (mass fl...
Thus, the R-value of 0.0821 is more often used because all problems can be converted into the units for this constant. R can also be represented as {eq}k_B * N_A {/eq} Boltzmann constant ({eq}k_B {/eq}) is used to find the universal gas constant. Its value is {eq}1.380649 ...
Other forms of energy (electrical, magnetic, chemical, etc.) may have to be taken into account in some circumstances, but are not usually included in general fluid mechanics relationships. Enthalpy and entropy need to be considered for gas flow analysis (see Section 1.5.8). The basic energy-...
Find the minimum and maximum kinetic energy of a gas after 60 seconds. A distribution of velocities after 60 seconds are given for the particles of gas. The intial velocity of all the particles is 500 m/s, and this is the number of particles...