2.2 Heat conduction equation The heat conduction equation is a partial differential equation for conduction of heat through a body. The solution of the equation gives the temperature distribution in the body at different instances of time. As discussed in Chapter 1, differentiation of the temperature...
Qu, C.Z. Wang, Two-equation method for heat transfer efficiency in metal honeycombs: an analytical solution, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 97 (2016) 201‒210.H. Liu, Q.N. Yu, Z.C. Zhang, Z.G. Qu, C.Z. Wang, Two-equation method for heat transfer efficiency in metal honeycombs:...
(这在开氏单位中自然是废话)而且是不处处为 0 的(哪怕即使只在极小的区域内不是绝对零度),那么在开始传热后的任意时刻,空间中任意远的点温度都是非 0 的,从而,由heat equation描述的传热是超距的(the heat equation forces infinite propagation speed for disturbances),因此不是什么时候都可以用热方程描述一些...
机译:具有权重的L-q((O,T),L-p)-空间中的热方程 获取原文 获取原文并翻译 | 示例 掌桥外文数据库(机构版) >> 开具论文收录证明 >> 文献代查 >> 页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 Existence and uniqueness theorems are presented for the heat equation in L-p-spaces with or witho...
The paper is devoted to finding a solution and restoring the right-hand side of the heat equation with reflection of the argument in the second derivative, with a complex-valued variable coefficient. We prove a theorem on the Riesz basis property for eigenfunctions of the second-order differentia...
Latent Heat Formula The latent heat formula shows that the latent heat is generally computed by dividing the energy needed for the phase change by the mass of the substance that has gone through the phase change. The latent heat equation is the following: {eq}L = Q/m {/eq} Where:...
The equation can also be formatted as {eq}q = m * L_f {/eq}. The units of each variable in this equation are: The units for q can be any energy unit: Joule, Calorie, BTU, kilojoules, and so on. The energy unit of q must be in agreement with the energy unit of the heat ...
One of the equations you may encounter is the one for heat capacity: \(Q=mC\Delta T\) where Q is thermal energy in joules, m is the mass of the object being heated, C is the object's specific heat capacity and delta T is its ...
The heat diffusion equation obtained from the energy balance applied to a differential element is (4.11)1r∂∂rkr∂T∂r+1r2∂∂ϕk∂T∂ϕ+∂∂zk∂T∂z+q.v=ρcp∂T∂t. 4.3.3 Spherical coordinates Fourier’s law for the spherical coordinates is (4.12)q=−k...
Chen, Q., Ren, J.X., Meng, J.A.: Field synergy equation for turbulent heat transfer and its application. Int. J. Heat Mass Tran. 50(25-26), 5334–5339 (2007) MATHChen Q, Ren J X, Meng J A. Field synergy equation for turbulent heat transfer and its application. Int J Heat...