The number of degrees of freedom of a function is bounded by the product of its spatial uncertainty and its frequency uncertainty (or more generally, by the volume of the phase space uncertainty). In particular, there are not enough degrees of freedom for a non-trivial function to be simulat...
This constant multiplied by the common frequency ν of the resonators gives us the energy element ε in erg, and dividing E by ε we get the number P of energy elements which must be divided over the N resonators.[Planck’s constant, as introduced in 1900; subsequently written e = hν....
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View Solution A force is given by F=at+bt2 where t is the time .The dimensions of a and b are View Solution If frequency F, velocity V , and density D are considered fundamental units , the dimensional formula for momentum will be View Solution ...
Assume that the mass (wave frequency) and propagation speed of an SR wave in space depends on the sum of all SR wave intensities in that space; a superposition of the intensities of waves from all particles inside the Hubble (H) Sphere of radius R = c/H, including the intensity of a...
A numerical algorithm has been developed and a computer code implemented that can effectively solve this equation in the intermediate frequency range. The equation is discretized by using the finite element method, thus allowing for the modeling of complicated geometries (including interfaces) and ...
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