Here “Log” denotes the natural logarithm, while N s , where N k >0 and N s =0 for s>k, denotes the number of items ⩾s in a sample of independent observations from a population with the negative binomial distribution and m denotes the sampling mean: it can in the case k ⩾...
14.A Nonequilibrioum Transformation Forecasting Model of Sediment Concentration with Discharge Distribution along Channel流量沿程变化的不平衡输沙含沙量过程预报方法 15.Modeling vapor-liquid equilibrium of refrigerants using an equation of state for square-well chain fluid with variable range变阱宽方阱链流...
doi:10.1080/03461238.1980.10404685William SimonsenScandinavian Actuarial JournalSimonsen, W. (1976). On the solution of a maximum-likelihood equation of the negative binomial distribution. Scund. Actuar. J., 220-23 1.
In this paper,an approximate pivotal equation is constructed for a binomial distribution based on asymptotic normality of a modefied-logit-transformed estimator. 利用调整的logit变换后估计量的渐近正态性对二项分布建立了近似的枢轴方程,并由此得到了二项分布参数的一种近似信仰分布。补充...
With this result, one can show, using distribution theory, that the one-dimensional Green’s function for an unbounded medium, i.e. the solution G(1)(x, x′, t, t′) of the inhomogeneous wave equation with a Dirac source at point x′ and time t′, S(x, t) = δx′(x) δt...
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(This setup is called a binomial distribution.) 4. Prove that the maximal value of p(1 − p) is at p = 0.5. 5. What do we mean when we say that a gene spreads in a population? 3 First derivation: simple version2 Let p be the frequency of allele A in the population, V ...
Know lognormal distribution, definition, equation and solved examples online. Also, find out detailed step by step equation to solve lognormal distribution.
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Instead, the other way; your feet are impeded in the tangled growth, your pace slackens, you sink and fall somewhere near the binomial theorem with the calculus in sight on the horizon. So died, for each of us, still bravely fighting, our mathematical training; except for a set of ...