The macroscopic equation of continuity for an incompressible fluid flowing through a porous medium is given by, (1)∇⋅uD=0 where uD is the average surface velocity, also known as Darcy velocity. In Eq. (1) the Durpuit-Forchheimer relationship, uD = ϕ〈u〉i, has been used where ...
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Prism can easily fit this curve using nonlinear regression. It is not a built-in equation (yet; let us know if you think it should be), but can easily be entered as a user-defined equation. Finding rules for initial values can be difficult, but this equation often seems to fit fine w...
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Herein, we establish such second-order relation with different sets of parameter values valid for the rarefied gas flows in a cylinder, in a triangular prism, and in a duct, respectively. After checking the relation between a Knudsen number and real gas properties, we further transform the ...
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The angular dispersion can therefore be used as a figure of merit, but it must be remembered that the parameter of ultimate importance is the grating resolution divided by the axial mode spacing of the external cavity. (For a detailed description of multiple-prism grating dispersion, see Chapter...