The heat diffusion theorem with respect to a harmonic measure is also developed for real laminations.doi:10.1007/s00208-011-0730-8T.-C. DinhUPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR 7586, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris, FranceV.-A. Nguyên...
(Fick’s [A. Fick, Uber diffusion, Poggendorff’s Annal. Phys. Chem. 94 (1855) 59–86] and Fourier’s [J.B. Fourier, Théorie analytique de la chaleur, Jacques Gabay, 1822] law, respectively) by a more general time-dependent equation, due to Cattaneo...
However, if any diffusion driven entanglements across the interface or any interfacial chemical reaction rearrangements occur when the surfaces are in contact under a finite stress, then the contact radius at the given load measured during the unloading cycle is higher than that measured during the ...
In this paper, under the assumption of the uniqueness of the solution to the singular diffusion (1.1), Section 2 discusses the regular properties of the solution of (1.1) in the interior points ofQTby using the method as the Chapter 2 of [1]. Section 3 first gives the definition of the...
The hyperbolic diffusion equations are obtained by substituting the classic time-independent constitutive equation (Fick’s [A. Fick, Uber diffusion, Poggendorff’s Annal. Phys. Chem. 94 (1855) 59–86] and Fourier’s [J.B. Fourier, Théorie analytique de la chaleur, Jacques Gabay, 1822] ...
Halpern show that the problem of optimizing the convergence rates is in fact a new class of best approximation problems and suggest a new method to solve this class of problems. The authors consider the model problem of optimizing the convergence factors for advection-diffusion equations. In this...
Comportement asymptotique des solutions d'une équation de convection- diffusion. (Asymptotic behavior of the solutions of a convection- diffusion equation) Zuazua. Comportement asymptotique des solutions d'une ´equation de convection-diffusion. Comptes rendus de l'Acad´emie des sciences, 309, (...
critere de stabilitediffusion de la chaleursolution numeriqueDynamic time step estimates were determined for four single step numerical schemes in one dimension, and three finite element and three finite difference single step schemes in two dimensions. Unlike other stability-based time step criteria,...
The hyperbolic diffusion equations are obtained by substituting the classic time-independent constitutive equation (Fick's [A. Fick, Uber diffusion, Poggendorff's Annal. Phys. Chem. 94 (1855) 59–86] and Fourier's [J.B. Fourier, Théorie analytique de la chaleur, Jacques Gabay, 1822] law...
Using the unified transform, also known as the Fokas method, we analyse the modified Helmholtz equation in the regular hexagon with symmetric Dirichlet boundary conditions; namely, the boundary value problem where the trace of the solution is given by the same function on each side of the hexagon...