The Harris Benedict equation reevaluated: resting energy requirements and the body cell mass. Am J Clin Nutr. 1984;40(1):168-82.Roza AM, Shizgal HM. The Harris Benedict equation reeva- luated: resting energy requirements and the body cell mass. Am J Clin Nutr julio de 1984;40(1):...
The Harris Benedict Equation to calculate BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate was developed in 1919. The first point to be made is that our bodies have certainly changed a lot since 1919, which adds more variables to the Harris Benedict Formula. The Harris Benedict Formula shows how to calculate BMR,...
The Harris-Benedict Equation At the core of any great BMR calculator is the Harris-Benedict Equation. This scientific formula can be used to estimate basal metabolic rate for both men and women. Here’s a breakdown of the Harris-Benedict Equation for both sexes: ● Male equation – BMR = 8...
M. Benedict, G.B. Webb, L.C. Rubin, An empirical equation for thermodynamic properties of light hydrocarbons and their mixtures I. Methane, ethane, propane and n-butane. J. Chem. Phys. 8, 334–345 (1940). Article ADS Google Scholar S. Herrig, New...
Comparison of formulaic equations to determine energy expenditure in the critically ill patient. The Harris-Benedict equation using adjusted body weight multiplied by a stress factor of 1.6 and the Swinamer equation predicted measured energy expenditure ......
Figure 2. Bland–Altman plots for BM equations: (a) Harris–Benedict, (b) ten Haaf BM, (c) Jagim, (d) Mackenzie-Shalders BM, (e) Tinsley BM, (f) Posthumus BM. The middle, solid, horizontal line represents the constant error. The lower and upper dashed horizontal lines represent the...
(<90%) of the FAO/WHO/UNU, Harris–Benedict, Mifflin-St Jeor, and Carrasco equations, as well as those of the proposed equation, were evaluated in relation to RMR as measured by IC. Normal distribution was determined according to the Shapiro–Wilk test. The relationship of body composition...
Harris-Benedict(哈里斯-本尼迪克特)公式Ti potrebbe piacere 卡路里计算 健康健美 Plixi - Calculadora de grasa 宏计算器 - 每日卡路里摄入量计算器: Macro Calc BMI-BMR计算器 健康健美 BMI, BMR & Body Fat Calculator Framingham Calc - Heart Age
(sem96)kJ/d, which was similar to the results predicted by the equation developed by of Liu 5579 (sem57)kJ/d (P=0·37) and significantly lower than those from equations developed by Henry (5763 (sem54)kJ/d), Schofield (5898 (sem58)kJ/d) and Harris–Benedict (HB; 5863 (sem51)...