crossed off seats we sold with a pencil. It seems like the olden days. It seems like watching black and white TV or something. We did that for six months or so. Over the course of a summer, we sold $100 season tickets. In the NFL, that would seem insane, but it was $10 a ...
Or would we soon find outThat it's really us that we hateClosed eyes set the stage for horrorI dream the dream of the deadHopin' for another life tomorrowBut the situation remains the sameHostile spirits have crossed overLonging for my expirationWhat is it that I hear *voices*I...
The Wood-elves were a rustic and unlearned group of Elves who had never crossed the Misty Mountains and had little knowledge of the great kingdoms and wars of Beleriand during the First Age. They lived in the forests and the wild, and were most known for their singing; they did not even...