如果没有图标, 请用 [Win+E ] key 打开资源管理器, 找到 Configuration Editor 的可执行文件, 快速连续猛击两次。C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO。。不嗜酒或者对酒反感的请以茶代酒。。 7. 俺的 config.txt 里面只有2行字“ Preamp: -10.0 dB Include: pp-to-hd650.txt (那段EQ设置您起了啥名字就用啥...
第二步我们双击安装包开始安装,全程下一步应该没什么难的,不过注意这个界面记得勾选你正在使用的音频设备,如果不清楚就把所有复选框都勾上。 第三步打开C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO下的Editor.exe,点击左上角绿色加号,选择Graphic Equalizers -> Graphic Equalizer with variable bands,新建一个eq面板 到这一步...
传送门:https://sourceforge.net/projects/peace-equalizer-apo-extension/files/ (Equalizer APO的附属界面,自带AutoEQ搜索和方案下载) 步骤如下: 安装Equalizer APO x64 1.3首先,先打开安装程序 安装程序图标 之后,开始安装Equalizer APO 安装程序界面 特别注意:当安装程序解压完毕后,如图 会出现驱动注入选项,如图 驱...
1 安装软件 首先下载并安装Equalizer APO,打开这个网站 https://sourceforge.net/projects/equalizerapo/files/ 然后点击红圈内的按钮下载(或者从文末的下载链接下载) 下载后点击运行 一路Next 最后点Install安装 出现这个界面,把你常用的回放设备(playback devices)都给勾上,如果你不知道选哪个,建议全选 点击OK,点...
You have many filters to choose from. It functions as an Active Processing Object and works on APO files only. If you are expecting a Graphical User Interface, this app lacks exactly that. But the biggest point to party on is that this app isabsolutely FREE. ...
equalizer apo doesn't have a real-time adjustment interface by default. however, you can use companion applications like peace graphical user interface (gui), which provides a real-time graphical interface for tweaking your equalizer settings without the need to manually edit configuration files. ...
Download Equalizer APO for free. Equalizer APO lets you add an unlimited amount of virtual filters to enhance your sound.
Download Equalizer APO for free. Equalizer APO lets you add an unlimited amount of virtual filters to enhance your sound.
audio device. Equalizer APO supports multi-channels and it has very low latency. As a result of being an open-source program, Equalizer APO is continuously being updated and it\'s source code is freely available to the public. If interested, anyone can participate in improving Equalizer APO....
1、下载并解压软件,双击安装程序进入如下的Equalizer APO安装向导,单击【next】按钮。 2、阅读软件许可协议,点击【 I Agree】的选项。 3、选择安装位置,默认的安装文件夹为C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO,若需要更改,单击【browse】按钮。 3、选择开始菜单文件夹,选择默认的Equalizer APO 1.1.2即可,点击【install】...