6. Open C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config\config.txt in a text editor and change the "Include" line to refer to your newly created configuration file. The change should be effective immediately. 打开C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config\config.txt,修改"Include"行以关联你新建的配置文件。变化...
现在到Equalizer APO的安装文件夹中找到config.txt, C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config\config.txt 首先将config.txt清空(删除任何已有文字), 然后以下标点符号全部为英文标点,也就是包括英文在内全部使用半角字符。 把从Autoeq的myresults文件夹中产生的结果复制过来, (使用Autoeq保存的GraphicEQ.txt格式文件,也就...
READ ALSO:Download Cisco Packet Tracer 64-Bit for Windows 10/11. How to Configure Equalizer APO (Step-by-step guide) You need to open the “windows explorer” and go to C:\ProgramFiles\EqualizerAPO\config. You shall be able to find files like config.txt and examples. text. Former is ...
那config 文件夹的路径就是:D:\EqualizerAPO\config 之后再把 config 文件夹里的 Peace64 发送到桌面快捷方式。 3. 配置并启用对应耳机的 AutoEQ 方案 首先,打开你的 Peace64,第一次打开的时候可能会出现下图 在这里点“是”,之后peace界面就会接管Equalizer APO的调节功能并启用“peace.txt” ...
1.2. Download Equalizer APO and install it. 1.3. Go to C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config and open the config.txt file. Delete all contents of this file and save it. 1.4. Download Room EQ VST plug-in and copy x32 or x64 version of the MathaudioRoomEQ.dll file to your PC (depen...
解压缩我的包,然后将配置 .txt 文件(和 VFX 文件夹)剪切并移动到您的“Equaliser APO”配置目录:C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\Config。 现在打开“Equaliser APO”,然后选择你的输出,在我的例子中是“Speakers”和“SPDIF”,因为我之前重命名了它们。 View attachment 207114 现在您可以在模拟和数字上进行立...
. You can have multiple line of PatchWork and use them as alternative of preset. If you use preset and cause plugins bugged, remove lines in Equalize APO config.txt, reboot, start_install.bat, add blank PatchWork (do not paste with ChunkData), redo VST configuration....
Now open 'Equaliser APO', and select your outputs Again I opened Configurator.exe while in fact I needed Configuration Editor (which I thought would open a text config file to edit as the picture didn't load for me). Maybe it's worth wording it explicitly for the new users to make...
You will then be prompted with a warning stating “File config.txt of Equalizer APO must be overwritten to activate Peace”. Clickyesto overwrite the config.txt. Next, choose what interface you want, I recommend the full interface so you can see everything. You won’t need to play around...
那config 文件夹的路径就是:D:\EqualizerAPO\config 之后再把 config 文件夹里的 Peace64 发送到桌面快捷方式。 3. 配置并启用对应耳机的 AutoEQ 方案 首先,打开你的 Peace64,第一次打开的时候可能会出现下图 在这里点“是”,之后peace界面就会接管Equalizer APO的调节功能并启用“peace.txt” ...