第二张图的解释为: Everyone gets the support they need, which produce equity.(每个人都得到了他们需要的支持,这就产生了公平。) 所以equity 表示“公平”,即根据个体差异而给予不同的支持,最后保证人人平等,同义词为 fairness。 “equality”一...
表面上人人平等,但实际上会严重影响大家的工作积极性,不利于生产效率。 而“equity”一词让我想到我国的“个税起征点”,现在的个税起征点是每月5000元,即如果你的月收入≤5000元,你是不用交个人所得税的,如果≥5000,那么就要按不同梯度纳税。 虽然这个制度不能从根本上解决贫富差距问题,但符合equity的理念,就是...
● equality 平等● equity 公平● justice 正义 ★ EQUALITY vs EQUITY ☞ equality 相对平等☞ equity 绝对平等☞ 贫富;男女 ★ 缩小贫富差异☞ narrow the wealth gap/divide/disparity ☞ 正说反译:in...
Equity eq..在英语里,equity(公平)在公共政策中着眼于扶助弱者,使之享有同等的权利;而equality(平等)则着重对所有人一视同仁地分配资源。你可以想见,这两者都会激起经久不息的争议,因为看似平等的分配资
In modern times, the usage of the wordequityhas increased due to concerns about social and racial justice and a desire for fairness formarginalized communities andhistoricallyoppressedgroups. In terms of the law, minority groups often have technically equal rights but are still treated unfairly due ...
The word “equity” first appeared in the 1300s. It looks and sounds like “equality,” but the term is much more nuanced. According to Merriam-Webster.com, “Equity is often related to justice or proportional fairn...
equity作为名词,意为(公司的)股本;资产净值;(公司的)普通股;公平;公正。例句:We base this call on grounds of social justice and equity.我们基于社会正义和公平发出这一呼吁。Economic equity and social justice must be continued to keep.经济公平和社会正义必须继续保持。To capture his equity,...
the public directly or by contract; the fair, just and equitable distribution of public services and implementation of public policy; and the commitment to promote fairness, justice, and equity in the formation of public policy.” In essence, equity can be defined as a means of achieving ...
Stringer, DonnaIrish Academy of ManagementIrish Journal of ManagementRamamoorthy, N. & Stringer, D. (2017). Equity versus equality norms of justice and organizational commitment: the moderating role of gender. Irish Journal of Management. doi: 10.1515/ijm-2017-0008...
^^^ the linked piece illustrates why ”“Critical” Race “Theory” ” needs to be taught – because the non-financial meaning of “equity” has everything to do with … I can’t do it justice, but I guarantee the piece is excellent writing. ...